
The owners of an Aquarium to sell their products. They ship internationally and have been having trouble managing their orders via phone calls. They need a solution e-commerce.

User Stories:

As a: User register
I want: Collect my favorites Items.
So That: Decide later what product to buy.
The user must have the application installed.
The user must be registered in the application.
The user must have access to the internet, since this stack is stored in the cloud.

As a: User visitor, User register, Buyer
I want: Search products or items.
So That: I can find quickly a product.
The user must have the application installed.
The user must have internet access.
There must be at least 3 letters typed to perform a search in live query. The user should have immediate access to this feature.

As a: Buyer
I want: Load or change my shipping address.
So That: see graphically that my address is correct.
The user must have the application installed.
The user must have internet access.
The user must be registered in the system.
The user must have access to their profile data in order to register or modify this feature. The user must already be in the payment gateway.

As a: Buyer
I want: Message with the seller
So That: Solve delivery problems or like to cancel the order.
The user must be registered.
The user must buy a product.

As a: Buyer
I want: Know the status of my order
So That: Know where my package is.
The user must be registered.
The user must buy a product.

